Moran equation review

Recall the Moran equation. For a self-similar fractal made of N copies scaled by r1, r2, ..., rN, the similarity dimension d is the solution of
r1d + r2d + ... + rNd = 1
For example, consider the fractal on the left.
The decomposition of the right shows this fractal is composed of three copies scaled by 1/2 and two copies scaled by 1/4. The Moran equation is
3(1/2)d + 2(1/4)d = 1
Noting 1/4 = (1/2)2, we have
1 = 3(1/2)d + 2((1/2)2)d = 3(1/2)d + 2((1/2)d)2
Writing x = (1/2)d, we see the Moran equation is a quadratic equation
2 x2 + 3 x - 1 = 0
The solution is x = (-3 +/- Sqrt(32 - 4*2*(-1)))/(2*2) = (-3 +/- Sqrt(17))/4
Because x must be positive, we have x = (-3 + Sqrt(17))/4 and so
(1/2)d = (-3 + Sqrt(17))/4
Taking Logs and solving for d, we obtain
d = Log((-3 + Sqrt(17))/4)/Log(1/2), approximately 1.83251
Exact solutions can be obtained in this way if all the scaling factors are powers of the same number.

Compute the similarity dimensions of these fractals. Click each picture for the solution.


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