Convergence of Deterministic IFS

Lemma 1 For all compact sets A, B, C, and D in the plane, h(A ∪ B, C ∪ D) ≤ max{h(A,C),h(B,D)}.
Proof Let d = h(A,C) and e = h(B,D). Then
A ⊆ Cd, C ⊆ Ad,
B ⊆ De, D ⊆ Be.
Writing f = max{d, e}, we see
A ⊆ Cf, C ⊆ Af,
B ⊆ Df, D ⊆ Bf.
A ∪ B ⊆ Cf ∪ Df
It is an easy exercise to show that
Cf ∪ Df ⊆ (C ∪ D)f.
Combining these last two inclusions we see
A ∪ B ⊆ (C ∪ D)f.
A similar argument gives
C ∪ D ⊆ (A ∪ B)f.
h(A ∪ B, C ∪ D) ≤ f = max{h(A,C),h(B,D)}.

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