Math 1B (Calculus) Discussion section

GSI: Dustin Cartwright
Email: dustin at math
Office hours: M 2:30-3:30 and W 3:30-4:30 in 832 Evans and by appointment. (For the first week of finals: Tu 2-4, W 2-4, and by appointment)

Review Sessions:
Monday, December 11, 2-4 in Cory 289: John
Thursday, December 14, 2-5 in 3 Evans: Dustin
Thursday, December 14, 6:30-9 in 156 Dwinelle: Trevor
Friday, December 15, 5-7:30 in 102 Moffitt: Andy
Saturday, December 16, 12-3 in McCone 145: Ka
Saturday, December 16, 3-5:30 in 122 Wheeler: Alex
Sunday, December 17, 12-2:30 in 3 Evans: Cinna


Dec 7: Review session: next Thursday, December 14 2-5 in 3 Evans.

Dec 6: Office hours for next week: Tuesday and Wednesday 2-4.

Quiz solutions

Quiz solutions for each section will be available online the afternoon of the quiz

DayTopics8am section12am section
October 18power series and midterm review solutions solutions
October 25power series and Taylor series solutions solutions
November 1binomial series, approximating functions, differential equations solutions solutions
November 8slope fields, Euler's method, separable equations, exponential and logistic growth solutions solutions
November 15linear diff. eqns, 2nd order diff. eqns, review for second midterm solutions solutions
November 22no quiz
November 29undetermined coefficients and variation of parameters solutions solutions
December 6damped oscillations and power series solutions solutions solutions

Study materials

Worksheet problems: volume 1 volume 2 (through the first midterm) volume 3 (through the second midterm) volume 4 (since the second midterm).

Practice problems for the second midterm, courtesy of Ka Choi: 1 2

Table of important power series

Collection of problems from past midterms and finals, relevant for the first midterm. Some integral problems, courtesy of Ka Choi.

Past midterms and finals from Moffit library.

Solution to limit definition problem that I gave in section 9/29.

Links to outside study resources

Math department tutor list

Student Learning Center: math and statistics

Section policies

Quizzes will be given in section every Wednesday. There will be no make-up quizzes. There will not be a quiz the day before Thanksgiving

Homework is due at the beginning of section every Monday and Wednesday.

See the main course website for homework assignments, other course polices, etc.