A mathematical journey through flows


February 22, 2013

Luce Hall, Yale University

Registration: Please register as soon as is possible so participation can be adequately handled.

Send email to Joann DelVecchio (joann.delvecchio@yale.edu) with an appropriate subject line.

This one day symposium focuses on the Steve’s contribution to the modern practice of fluid dynamics as seen through the window provided by the invited speakers; Carl Bender, Hudong Chen, Dan Meiron, Michael Shelley, Alexander Smits, Katepalli Sreenivasan, Sauro Succi and Victor Yakhot.  

A link to the Program will be available a few weeks prior to the event. We day begins at 9 a.m., includes the scientific talks and lunch in Luce Hall, which is on Hillhouse Ave. between Trumbull and Sachem Streets. 

Accommodation should be arranged by participants by following this link.  It is a busy time in New Haven due to the influx of visiting potential graduate students.

An evening out will cap the symposium and has been organized by invitation.

Sponsored by the Department of Mathematics, Yale University

A Celebration of the Scientific Life of Steven Alan Orszag

A Flyer can be downloaded here.