Random Fractals and the Stock Market

Surrogates of the Stock Market - Trading Time, Step 2

We need a technical result:
Proposition If 0 < |dY1| < 1, 0 < |dY2| < 1, and 0 < |dY3| < 1, then there is a unique number D satisfying
|dY1|D + |dY2|D + |dY3|D = 1.
Moreover, if |dY1| + |dY2| + |dY3| > 1, then D > 1.
Click here for a proof.
Define the trading time increments dT1, dT2, and dT3 by
dT1 = |dY1|D
dT2 = |dY2|D
dT3 = |dY3|D
Note all the trading time increments are positive.
This is no surprise, because although trading time may go more rapidly or more slowly than clock time, it cannot go backwards relative to clock time.
We will have no violations of causality here.
With the trading time and clock time increments we construct the trading time vs clock time generator.

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