Random Fractals and the Stock Market

Surrogates of the Stock Market - Cartoon Driven IFS

Equal-Size Bins - Example 4

Here we use the cartoon with generator having turning points (2/9, 2/3) and (7/9, 1/3).
Here is the time series of the cartoon data. Here is the IFS driven by the data. Note the familiar backward Z, a characteristic of consecutive data points lying in the same bin or in adjoining bins.
Here are the successive differences of the cartoon data. Note most differences lie in bin2 and very few in bin1, bin3, and bin4. Here is the IFS driven by these differences as data points. The bulk of the IFS points lie in square 2, and in fact accumulate to the point (1,0). Little can be seen with this choice of bins.

Return to equal-size bins.