Kenneth and Andrew Hsu

In 1991 the Hsus took a different approach.
Assuming a fractal structure for music, supported by their earlier work, the Hsus note an implication of self-similarity: "a musical composition could be represented by a music score of a different scale, using half, a quarter, or twice as many notes as were written by the composer."
Noting that their fractal character implies no definite length for coastlines, the Hsus ask "If a coastline has no definite length, could we state that Mozart's music has no definite number of notes or note intervals?"
(Recall Emperor Joseph's comment to Mozart, that Abduction from the Seraglio was heavenly, but had too many notes. Perhaps Emperor Joseph anticipated the fractal nature of music. Probably not.)
They tested this hypothesis on Bach's Invention no. 1 in C Major.
To understand the motivation, first convert the notes to a graph.
Taking f0 = 60 Hz, the note j intervals above f0 has frequency fj given by fj/f0 = (15.9/15)j.
In this way, an integer j is assignd to each note, and the graph of a composition is the plot of j (vertically) versus i (horizontally), where fj is the frequency of the ith note.
Such a plot gives a very jagged graph, and the Hsus observed that similar graphs made with every second note, or with every fourth note, and so on, of the original still sound remarkably Bach-like.
This suggested a method for making new Bach-like compositions: "start with a 1/32 eduction of Bach and ... build the composition up into an alternative score, according to the theory of music harmony."
Here are the graph of the original, the 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8 reduction of BWV 772 of Bach.

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