
The Method of Moments for Planar Data

Recall that for each point on the τ(q) graph, the slope of the tangent line is and the tangent line intersects the τ-axis at a point we call (0, f(α)). This is the green point and line in the graph.
Through other points (q, τ(q)) on the graph draw the line with slope this same value of -α. The red point and line is an example.
This line intersects the τ-axis at the point (0, t), where t = τ(q) + α⋅q:
-α = (t - τ(q))/(0 - q), so t = τ(q) + α⋅q
From the graph it is apparent that the minimum value of t occurs when is the slope of the line tangent to the τ(q) graph at the point (q, τ(q)).
Thus for fixed α, we approximate the value of f(α) by the minimum of τ(q) + α⋅q, where the minimum is taken over all the sampled q values.

Return to moments from planar data.