
Unique value for β(q)

To see that for each q the equation (p1q)(r1β(q)) + ... + (pNq)(rNβ(q)) = 1 determines a unique value of β(q), for each q define a function g(β) by
g(β) = (p1q)(r1β) + ... + (pNq)(rNβ)
Certainly, g(β) is a continuous function.
Recall that 0 < ri < 1 and 0 < pi < 1 for all i. Then
as β → ∞, each riβ → 0, and so g(β) → 0,
as β → -∞, each riβ → ∞, and so g(β) → ∞, and
finally, dg/dβ = (p1q)(r1βln(r1)) + ... + (pNq)(rNβln(rN)) < 0 because each ln(ri) < 0.
Combining these three observations, we see the graph of g(β) must look something like this
That is, g(β) decreases from large positive values to nearly 0, so g(β) = 1 for exactly one value of β, and this is β(q) for the given value of q.
If all the ri take on a common value, r, the equation
(p1q)(r1β(q)) + ... + (pNq)(rNβ(q)) = 1
can be solved for β(q):
β(q) = -ln(p1q + ... + pNq)/ln(r).

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