Julia Sets and the Mandelbrot Set

Universality of the Mandelbrot set

The Curry-Garnett-Sullivan experiment showed the Mandelbrot set appears in the parameter space of a rational function (the Newton function for their cubic polynomials), as well as in the parameter space of the familiar quadratic dunction. Is this a remarkable coincidence?
This is the first glimpse of the theory of quadratic-like maps of Douady and Hubbard. In a small enough region, many functions look much like polynomials.
Remarkably, the Mandelbrot set arises in many, many families of functions.
McMullen showed that for a large collection of functions, wherever the bifurcations accumulate there is a copy of the Mandelbrot set or one of its generalizations.
We just didn't know how to look for them until recently. What other surprises remain?

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