The Mandelbrot Set and Julia Sets

Scalings in the Mandelbrot Set

Hurwitz-Robucci scaling - Locating the Centers of Components

In each component, for one c, called the center of the component, the derivative (Fcn(zi))' = 0.
By the chain rule
0 = (Fcn)'(zi) = Fc'(zn) ... Fc'(z1)
Because Fc'(z) = 2z, if c is the center of an n-cycle component we have zi = 0 for some i. Consequently,
0 = Fcn(0) = Fcn-1(c).
That is, the centers of the n-cycle cmponents are the zeros of the family of polynomials fn(c) defined by
f1(c) = c
fn+1(z) = (fn(c))2 + c
Now we restrict our attention to real values of c, that is, to the part of the Mandelbrot set along the real axis.

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