The Mandelbrot Set and Julia Sets

Scalings in the Mandelbrot Set

Hurwitz-Robucci scaling - Cycle Components

One way the sequence zn can remain bounded is by converging to a fixed point or a cycle.
To every disc and cardioid component of the Mandelbrot set there corresponds a cycle {z1, ..., zn}. (A cycle with n = 1 is a fixed point.)
That is,
Fc(z1) = z2, Fc(z2) = z3, ... , Fc(zn) = z1
The cycle lengths (n) of some components are shown in the diagram above.
Note each zi is a fixed point for Fcn(z):
Fcn(z1) = Fcn-1(Fc(z1)) = Fcn-1(z2) = ... = Fc(zn) = z1.

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