3. The Mandelbrot Set and Julia Sets

The Logistic Map and the Mandelbrot Set

By a simple change of variables, the familiar logistic map xn+1 = sxn(1 - xn), can be recoded into to form xn+1 = xn2 + c. Note the similarity with the Mandelbrot set iteration formula.
Letting c range from c = 1/4 to c = -2, generate the sequence of numbers x0 = 0, x1 = x02 + c, x2 = x12 + c, ... . Plot c along the horizontal axis, and in the vertical line above each c value, plot x100 through x200.
For -3/4 < c < 1/4, the values xi converge to a fixed point, whose value depends on c, decreasing as c decreases.
For -5/4 < c < -3/4, the values xi converge to a 2-cycle. And so on.
Plotting all these eventual behaviors together for -2 < c < 1/4 gives the bifurcation diagram for the recoded logistic map xn+1 = xn2 + c. This is the top of the figure on the right.
Note from the insert that the logistic bifurcation diagram has fracal characteristics: it is filled with small copies of itself.
From the branching structure of the logistic bifurcation diagram we can read the cycle number of the corresponding features of the Mandelbrot set.
So all the interesting dynamics of the logistic map are contained in the middle section of the Mandelbrot set (the part along the real axis).

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