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Sample - One Mirror IFS Simulation

rstheta phief
.93.7456 45-.9-.7
-.61.52-69 -455.4-.8
Too much overlap
rstheta phief
.83.6456 45-.9-.7
-.61.52-69 -455.4-.8
Reduce r and s for the left transf.
Spaces too large
rstheta phief
.88.6956 45-.9-.7
-.61.52-69 -455.4-.8
Increase r and s for the left transf.
Spaces still too large.
rstheta phief
.93.6456 45-.9-.7
-.61.42-69 -455.4-.8
Increase left transf r.
Decrease both transf s.
Far too sparse.
rstheta phief
.93.7956 45-.9-.7
-.61.57-69 -455.4-.8
Increase both transf s.
Too filled-in.
rstheta phief
.93.7756 45-.9-.7
-.61.55-69 -455.4-.8
Decrease both transf s.
Here is the original.

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