Video Feedback

Sample - No Mirror IFS Simulation

From our experience with spiral fractals, we know these videofeedback pictures are not fractals.
Nevertheless, informed by this lab we can make a start at finding an IFS to generate this spiral.
Place the origin of the coordinates at the center of the spiral.
Measure the length of the segment from the origin to the most distant point of the spiral. For this example we measure 4.5 cm.
Measure the length of the segment from the origin to the second-most distant point of the spiral. For this example we measure 4.1 cm.
The ratio second length/first length gives the scaling factor of one of the transformations. For this example we calculate r = s = 4.1/4.5 = .91.
The angle between the second segment and the first segment gives the theta = phi value for this transformation. For this example we measure theta = phi = 71 deg.
For this example we have
rsthetaphi ef
0.910.917171 00
The IFS consisting of this transformation alone generates a single point, the center of the spiral.
At least two choices of second transformation gives an IFS that generates the whole spiral.
rsthetaphi ef
0.910.917171 00
0.00.000 10
The second transformation must have r = s = 0, or else we will get a sprial made of spirals.
This approach works well with the random IFS program.
The other approach is to start with a point (or disc) at (1,0), or whatever point you prefer, and take the second transformation to be the identity.
rsthetaphi ef
0.910.917171 00
1.01.000 00
This approach works well with the deterministic IFS program. Take the starting shape to be a small disc. Under the Edit menu, select Animation. Set Generations to auto-run to 40 and Pause length to 0.1.
By varying the IFS scaling (camera zoom) and rotation (camera angle), a variety of stable spiral pattens can be produced.

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