Video Feedback

Exercise Solutions

We measure the source point coordinates p1 = (0, 0), p2 = (1.1, 0), and p3 = (-.3, 1.1).
For the target points on the upper (left) mirror we measure
q1 = (-2.4,5.5), q2 = (-2.0,5.0), and q3 = (-2.9,5.4)
From this data the affine transformation calculator finds
rstheta phief
-.58.42129 121-2.45.5
For the target points on the upper right image we measure
q1 = (4.2,4.7), q2 = (4.3,4.3), and q3 = (4.7,4.7)
From this data the affine transformation calculator finds
rstheta phief
.37.49-76 -1024.24.7
For the target points on the monitor we measure
q1 = (-1.2,-.8), q2 = (-1,-.3), and q3 = (-2,-.6)
From this data the affine transformation calculator finds
rstheta phief
.49.7468 66-1.2-.8
For the target points on the right mirror we measure
q1 = (6.5,-.4), q2 = (6,.1), and q3 = (6.8,-.1)
From this data the affine transformation calculator finds
rstheta phief
-.64.42-50 -216.5-.4
Combining these we have these IFS rules and this picture. Here is the videofeedback image for comparison.
rstheta phief
-.58.42129 121-2.45.5
.37.49-76 -1024.24.7
.49.7468 66-1.2-.8
-.64.42-50 -216.5-.4
To understand part of the difference, here is the IFS picture with the address 1 region in red, using the highlight address opton in the edit menu.

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