Video Feedback

Exercise Solutions

Here is the videofeedback image we wish to synthesize by IFS.
We measure the source point coordinates p1 = (0, 0), p2 = (2, 0), and p3 = (0, 2.5).
We measure the left side target point coordinates q1 = (.5, -1), q2 = (.9, .6), and q3 = (-1.1, -.6).
We measure the right side target point coordinates q1 = (6.3, -.7), q2 = (6.2, .8), and q3 = (7.5, -.2).
With these we find the IFS rules and picture
rstheta phief
.83.6676 76.5-1
-.75.52-86 -676.3-.7
To reduce the overlap we subtract .01 from r and s of the first transformation, add .01 to r and subtract .01 from s of the second transformation. To soften the points we change the second transformation theta to -80.
rstheta phief
.82.6576 76.5-1
-.74.51-80 -676.3-.7

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