Random IFS

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First, recall the Random Algorithm starts with the fixed point of one of the Ti.
For definiteness, say we start with the fixed point (x0, y0) of T1.
The address of this fixed point is 111... = 1. (Here is the reason.)
Suppose the first transformation applied is Ti1, the next Ti2, and so on.
What is the effect of these transformations on the address of the point, and on the address length N region in which the point lies?
point address of the pointaddress length N region containing the point
(x0, y0) 1 1N
(x1, y1) = Ti1(x0, y0) i1111... = i1(1) i1 1N-1
(x2, y2) = Ti2(x1, y1) i2i1(1) i2i1(1N-2)
(x3, y3) = Ti3(x2, y2) i3i2i1(1) i3i2i1(1N-3)
(xN, yN) = TiN(xN-1, yN-1) iN...i3i2i1(1) iN...i3i2i1
(xN+1, yN+1) = TiN+1(xN, yN) iN+1iN...i3i2i1(1) iN+1iN...i3i2
So we see each new transformation applied has this effect on the N-digit address: discard the right-most digit, shift the remaining N-1 digits one place to the right, and insert the new address on the left.

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