1.F. The Inverse Problem


Remarkably, solving the inverse problem has only two steps:
1. Using the self-similarity (or self-affinity) of F, decompose F as F = F1 ∪ ... ∪ Fn, where each Fi is a scaled copy of F.
Because the transformations can involve rotations, reflections, and scalings by different factors in different directions, decomposition is not always as simple a task as it may seem at first. Here are some examples of more complicated decompositions.
An additional problem is that decompositions never are unique. Here are some examples of different decompositions of the same fractal.
2. For each piece Fi, find an affine transformation Ti for which Ti(F) = Fi. By "find an affine transformation" we mean find the r, s, θ, φ, e, and f values.

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