Convergence of Deterministic IFS

Now we relate the Euclidean contraction factor of
to the Hausdorff contraction factor of
T:K(R2) → K(R2)
defined by T(A) = {T(x,y): for each (x,y) in A}.
Prop. 1 If T has Euclidean contraction factor r, then for all compact sets A and B in the plane
h(T(A),T(B)) ≤ r⋅h(A,B)
Proof Let h(A,B) = k. We want to show
T(A) ⊆ (T(B))r⋅k
T(B) ⊆ (T(A))r⋅k
That is, for every point a' of T(A) there is a point b' of T(B) with d(a',b') ≤ r⋅k. The analogous result must be shown to establish the other inclusion.
For every point a' in T(A), there is some point a in A with T(a) = a'.
Because A is contained in Bk, there is some point b in B with d(a, b) ≤ k.
Let b' = T(b). Certainly, b' is in T(B).