Driven IFS with Forbidden Combinations

Driven IFS with Higher-Order Exclusions

We have observed that any sequence containing a forbidden sequence is itself forbidden. For example, any triple containing a forbidden pair is forbidden.
On the other hand, a subsequence of a forbidden sequence need not be forbidden. If ijk is a forbidden triple, we may not assume either ij or jk is forbidden.
We illustrate this with a simple example. On the left we see the picture resulting if the pair 11 is forbidden; on the right, the picture if the triple 111 is forbidden.
By specifying both forbidden pairs and forbidden triples - that is, equipping IFS with a two-step memory - we can generate a much wider variety of fractals than with a one-step memory IFS.
Here is the software representation of 2-step memory.
Here are some fractals generated by two-step memory IFS. All the pictures are different, but some of the differences are subtle.
Click each picture for an enlargement and the software representation in a new window.
There are 264 = 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 different fractals built with two-step memories. With three-step memories, 2256 fractals can be built. This is a big number.
By adding more steps of memory, we can reproduce any figure to any specified accuracy. Consequently, IFS with memory gives another approach to using fractals for data compression. An interesting problem is to find the shortest memory to produce a given shape. This problem is being investigated.

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