Driven IFS and Data Analysis

Phonological analysis

As we have seen, suitable ways of binning texts are elusive.
Binning by phonemes, individual sounds making up the words of a spoken language, is a promising direction, especially because phomemes can be divided into a small collection of categories.
In her spring 2003 project, Emily Runde studied phonological properties in two of T. S. Eliot's poems, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock and Hollow Men.
Do these poems exhibit similar phonological patterns? What about patterns in Lewis Carroll's Jabberwocky, which contains many fabricated words?
Will Elliot's texts, Tradition and the Individual Talent for example, reveal different patterns?
Here are the phonological categories used.
First she analyzed these pieces using a four bin IFS with the familiar transformations.
Next she analyzed these pieces using a nine bin IFS. Here are the nine bin transformations.

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