Driven IFS and Data Analysis

IFS and the Sounds of Literature

Rhyme is determined by the end sounds of words, so Clark and Tran decided to investigate what they called the secondary structure of the texts.

To make this fit most easily into the existing program, they

For example, the word "fairest" has primary code 16623 and secondary code 62316.To be sure, this secondary code does not reflect rhyme completely, but it is more sensitive to the end of the word.

Coarse-graining the secondary codes and driving the IFS gave these pictures, Shakespeare on the left, Wordsworth on the right.

Clark and Tran speculate Shakespeare's driven IFS is more concentrated because Shakespeare's sonnets are in the form of three quatrains and a couplet, a structure that more easily supports repeating words than does Wordsworth's octave and sestet.

Additionally, Wordsworth's sonnets involve more complete and complicated thoughts, hence more variation in words.

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