Driven IFS and Data Analysis

IFS Driven by Letters

CATG picture Whole text (WT) picture
Here is the delicate question.
* The CATG picture is driven by a subsequence of the sequence driving the WT picture, so shouldn't the CATG picture be a subset of the WT picture?
Examining the lower right corners, it is clear this is not true. This question has two answers, one obvious, one more subtle.
The obvious answer is, "Look at the bins." For the WT picture, every c, a, and g yield an application of T1, so there should be no relation between the pictures.
The subtle answer is, "Even if the bins of the WT picture were changed so c is in bin 1, a in bin 2, t in bin 3, and g in bin 4, the CATG picture need not be a subset of the WT picture because the order in which the Ti are applied will be different in the two pictures."
More generally, after converting to the driving sequence of four symbols,
* a subsequence need not produce a picture that is a subset of the original picture.
For example, suppose the original sequence begins 121..., and has no consecutive 1s.
Further, suppose the subsequence is made by deleting the second, fourth, sixth, etc., terms of the original sequence.
The IFS driven by the original sequence has no points in the subsquare with address 11, while the IFS driven by the subsequence does have a point in the 11 subsquare.

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