Driven IFS and Data Analysis

Depth of History

Here we test what the length 2 address occupancy data implies about the occupancy of longer address strings.
Given a driven IFS, we begin by
noting the empty length 2 address squares (those corresponding to forbidden pairs),
then finding the empty length 3 address squares (those corresponding to forbidden triples),
the empty length 4 address squares (those corresponding to forbidden quadruples),
and so on.
If each forbidden triple, quadruple, ... contains one of the forbidden pairs, then the underlying process has a one-step memory.
If some do not, the memory is longer.
For example, the driven IFS below has
empty length 2 squares forbidden transitions
12 2 → 1
22 2 → 2
13 3 → 1
23 3 → 2
32 2 → 3
44 4 → 4
In the driven IFS note the square 241 is empty. This corresponds to the transitions
1 → 4 and 4 → 2,
neither of which is forbidden. Consequently, the system generating this IFS appears to remember more than its immediate past.
Of course, any measured time series is of finite length. Consequently, when we see an empty subsquare, we should ask whether it is empty
  because its address is excluded in the dynamical process driving the IFS, or
  because the time series is not long enough.
That is, if we had more data, would the subsquare eventually be visited.
Obviously, the smaller the subsquare, the more data is needed.
Here is a simple calculation, illustrating how certain we are that the empty square 241 represents a real exclusion.

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