Cyclic Driven IFS

Constant Cycles

The simplest repeated sequence is constant, just repeat the same number forever. For example, 11111... = 1.
Starting with (1/2, 1/2), applying T1(x, y) = (x/2, y/2) repeatedly produces the sequence of points
T1(1/2, 1/2) = (1/4, 1/4),
T1(1/4, 1/4) = (1/8, 1/8),
T1(1/8, 1/8) = (1/16, 1/16),
converging to the lower left corner of the unit square, as pictured below.
Because it is gotten by applying T1 infinitely many times, the address of this point is 11111... = 1.
T1(x, y) = (x/2, y/2) = ((x+0)/2, (y+0)/2), the midpoint of (x, y) and (0, 0)
T2(x, y) = (x/2, y/2) + (1/2, 0) = ((x+1)/2, (y+0)/2), the midpoint of (x, y) and (1, 0)
T3(x, y) = (x/2, y/2) + (0, 1/2) = ((x+0)/2, (y+1)/2), the midpoint of (x, y) and (0, 1)
T4(x, y) = (x/2, y/2) + (1/2, 1/2) = ((x+1)/2, (y+1)/2), the midpoint of (x, y) and (1, 1)
we see the cycles 2, 3, and 4 generate sequences of points that converge to (1, 0), (0, 1), and (1,1), respectively.
3 4
1 2

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