

Here are some snapshots of dynamical patterns. In all cases, the spiral structures appear to rotate even though no physical element of the experimental apparatus is moving.
Dynamical experiments have revealed a variety of behaviors that can be divided into four classes:
  1. The screen goes blank.
  2. A single blob, stationary or pulsating, appears.
  3. Blobs of light swirl around in a seemingly unorganized way, never appearing to repeat.
  4. An organized pattern of blobs appears to grow, shrink, and evolve.
These classes are similar to, perhaps identical to, the Wolfram classes of cellular automata.
Class 3 behavior can be compared to chaos.
*   It is deterministic (no randomness is built into the experiment), but cannot be predicted over long times.
*   This last is a consequence of sensitivity to initial conditions: small changes rapidly grow to affect the entire system.
*   Similar behavior was observed for some cellular automata.
Class 4 behavior is an example of what we shall call complex.
    It is self-organizing, contains islands of order, and yet exhibits long-range correlations.

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