Tuesday, Sept 11, 2012

Here we study the random IFS algorithm, another way to render IFS images. This includes a careful look at what random means. We continue our survey of fractals in architecture.

To motivate the Random IFS algorithm, we begin with the Chaos Game.
Here we observe the apparent effect of randomness is to guarantee the points dance across the picture to be generated.
Here is an alternative way to simulate a long run of the chaos game, and some examples.
Superimposing many short runs of the chaos game gives a picture very much like a single long run of the chaos game.
Here is the Random IFS algorithm.
We show the Random IFS algorithm is a generalization of the chaos game.
Then we show that the random IFS and the deterministic IFS algorithms generate the same pictures.
A key ingredient of this argument is the notion of addresses of regions in a fractal.