Random Fractals and the Stock Market

Surrogates of the Stock Market - Quiz Answers

1 is Brownian motion. Most of the values form a band of approximately constant width (independence), and the values outside this band are mostly very small (large jumps are rare).
2 is a Levy process. Most of the values form a band of approximately constant width (independence), but a considerable number of values outside this band are large (large jumps are not rare).
3 is fractional Brownian motion. Most of the values form a band, but of varying width (dependence), and the values outside this band are mostly very small (large jumps are rare).
4 is a multifractal forgery.
5 is successive differences in IBM prices.
6 is successive differences in dollar-Deutschmark exchange rates.
7 is a multifractal forgery.
8 is a multifractal forgery.

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