Lucy Pollard-Gott


1. Count the words in the poem:
Mary had a little lamb,
Little lamb,
Little lamb.
Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleas were white as snow.
(At least, that's how my sister recited it when she was 5.) This example has 20 words.
2. Draw a line of boxes, one box for each word of the poem.
3. Identify an important word in the poem. Pollard-Gott calls this word the root. This choice is the delicate part of the method.
* The word should represent an idea, action, object, or person central to the poem.
*The word should occur several times in the poem. A word that occurs only twice will reveal no pattern.
For this example, we select the word lamb
4. Shade the boxes corresponding to each occurrence of the selected word.

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