Mathematica code

Here are some basic Mathematica commands, and here are instructions on how to get Mathematica to work.
Here are some pieces of Mathematica code to produce return maps, Kelly plots, and driven IFS. For all these programs, enter the data as a comma-separated sequence of numbers between the curly brackets of the line
dlst = {};
That is, if you want to study the sequence 1,2,3,4, you would paste these numbers between the brackets:
dlst = {1,2,3,4};
Return map plots the points (xi,xi+1), that is, the return map.
Symbol-driven Kelly map generates a Kelly plot from data for which each color is assigned to exactly one data value. For example, 1 = red, 2 = green, etc.
Data-driven Kelly map generates a Kelly plot from data for which each color is assigned to a range of data values. For example, 0.90 to 1.29 for red, 1.30 to 1.59 for green, etc.
Symbol-driven IFS generates a driven IFS plot from data for which each IFS transformation is assigned to exactly one data value. For example, transformation 1 for 1, transformation 2 for 2, etc.
Data-driven IFS generates a driven IFS plot from data for which each transformation is assigned to a range of data values. For example, 0.90 to 1.29 for transformation 1, 1.30 to 1.59 for transformation 2, etc.
Here is the Mathematica code to generate values by the logistic map.
NonRandom Cartoon generates a broken-line fractal graph with no randomness involved in the iteration process.
Random Cartoon generates a broken-line fractal graph with randomness involved in the iteration process.
Mandelbrot set points generates points in the Mandelbrot set.