The Mandelbrot Set and Julia Sets

The Mandelbrot Set - Relations with Julia Sets

Next, for the natural interpretation of the Mandelbrot set, recall the theorem of Fatou and Julia, that Julia sets Jcare either connected or Cantor sets.
Moreover, they showed Jc is connected if and only if the iterates of z0 = 0 does not run away to infinity.
(Specifically, Julia and Fatou showed the iterates of the critical point of the function iterated, z2 + c in this case, determine whether the Julia set is connected.)
Because the Mandelbrot set consists of those c for which the iterates of z0 = 0 do not run away to infinity, we see the Mandelbrot set is exactly those c for which Jc is connected.
Consequently, the Mandelbrot set is a very natural object to study.
To emphasize the relation between the Mandelbrot set and the Julia sets, this movie traces a path of points in the Mandelbrot set (right panel) and shows the corresponding Julia set in the left panel.
Note that when the points go outside the Mandelbrot set, the Julia set disintegrates into a dust of points.
Click the picture to animate.
Here are three more applets from Bob Devaney's dynamical systems website at BU.
With the Julia set computer we can choose a point on the Mandelbrot set and view the corresponding Julia set and its magnifications.
With the Mandelbrot/Julia set applet we can view the Mandelbrot set, a Julia set, and any orbit in or near the Julia set.
With the Mandelbrot movie maker we can define a path in and around the Mandelbrot set and animate the corresponding Julia sets as we move along the path.

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