The Mandelbrot Set and Julia Sets

Complex Iteration

Think of the complex number z as a pair (x, y) of real numbers, and think of the complex number c as a pair of real numbers (a, b).
In these terms, z → z2 + c becomes
x → x2 - y2 + a
y → 2⋅x⋅y + b
Why is this? Recall the rules of complex arithmetic. Any complex number z can be written as z = x + i⋅y.
  We call x the real part of z
  and y the imaginary part of z.
To add two complex numbers, add the real parts and add the imaginary parts:
(v + i⋅w) + (x + i⋅y) = (v + x) + i⋅(w + y).
The product of two complex numbers (v + i⋅w)⋅(x + i⋅y) can be obtained by multiplying binomials (FOIL, for example) and recalling i2 = -1. Grouping together the real and the imaginary parts of the product, we obtain
(v + i⋅w)⋅(x + i⋅y) = (v⋅x - w⋅y) + i⋅(v⋅y + w⋅x)
Note the special case
(x + i⋅y)2 = (x2 - y2) + i⋅2⋅x⋅y
The relation between the iteration formula for z and those for x and y now should be clear.

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