Driven IFS and Data Analysis

Stocks vs the Dow

Motivated by Wu's driven IFS comparison of the movement directions of TAIEX and the SSE, Thornton compared the movement directions of each of the nine stocks he studied with the movement of the Dow.
T3 if the Dow goes up
and the stock goes down
T4 if the Dow goes up
and the stock goes up
T1 if the Dow goes down
and the stock goes down
T2 if the Dow goes down
and the stock goes up
If the stock tends to behave similarly to the Dow, the driven IFS will show a strong diagonal trend from corner 1 to corner 4.
If the stock tends to behave opposite the Dow, tbe driven IFS will show a strong diagonal trend from corner 2 to corner 3.
If the stock and the Dow tend to act independently, the driven IFS will tend to fill the square, subject to the effects of the separate actions of the stock and the Dow. For example, if the stock just goes down, only T1 and T3 will be applied and the picture will consist of points scattered along the left edge of the square.
Here are the graphs for nine stocks.
Do similar patterns arise for plots from the stocks from similar industries? Let's see.
Technology stocks vs DJIA
Industrial stocks vs DJIA
Financial service company stocks vs DJIA
Consumer goods companies vs DJIA
Hedge funds vs DJIA

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