Driven IFS and Data Analysis

Daily Percentage Changes

Observing that the market tends to fluctuate most often between +2.5% and -2.5%, as a first experiment Thornton looked at daily changes in stock prices and used zero-centered bins with these bin boundaries
B3: the price increases by > 2.5% its previous value
B2: the price remains unchanged
B1: the price decreases by < -2.5% its previous value
Here are the driven IFS
Citigroup American International General Electric
Dell Sonus Networks Qwest
Tyson Foods Colgate-Palmolive Lucent
Note that for Citigroup, AI, GE, Tyson, and Colgate-Palmolive, the predominant feature is strong motion along the 2-3 diagonal, indcating most changes are within 2.5% of the previous price.
Another feature, especially strong in the GE graph, is the absence of points along the 1-4 diagonal. Although there are points in address 1 and 4 (even in address 11 and 44), there are very few consecutive moves of > +2.5% followed by < -2.5%, and vice versa.
Contrast this with Sonus, where most of the activity in along the 1-4 diagonal, indicating relatively wild swings in closing price. The heavy cluster of points in corner 1 does not speak of a successful stock.
Roughly speaking, the older economy companies - Citigroup, Tyson, Colgate-Palmolive, GE, and AIG - have stronger 2-3 diagonals, indicating less volatile behavior.

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