Driven IFS and Data Analysis

IFS Driven by Financial Data

Closing prices Driven IFS
The closing prices start small, and gradually increase, with some fluctuations superimposed.
How are we to interpret this driven IFS?
* The IFS starts in the middle, then rapidly runs down toward corner 1 because all the early values lie in the first bin.
* The points along the bottom of the square result from values hopping back and forth between bins 1 and 2.
* The points along the diagonal result from values hopping back and forth between bins 2 and 3.
* The points along the top from values hopping back and forth between bins 3 and 4.
* Note along all the occupied lines, most points cluster at the corners. This is because many consecutive values do not change bins.
This driven IFS tells us nothing that is not apparent from the closing price graph.

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