2. A. Ineffective Ways to Measure

Area of the Koch curve

Here is a summary of the data so far, and an extrapolation.
narea of a triangle number of trianglesAn
0(√3)/12 1A0 = (√3)/12
1((√3)/12)⋅(1/9)4 A1 = ((√3)/12)⋅(4/9)
2((√3)/12)⋅(1/81) = ((√3)/12)⋅(1/9)2 16 = 42A2 = ((√3)/12)⋅(16/81) = ((√3)/12)⋅(4/9)2
n((√3)/12)⋅(1/9)n4n An = ((√3)/12)⋅(4/9)n
Here is a graph of An vs n
The area of the Koch curve is less than each An, so we see the Koch curve has zero area.

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