Circle Inversion Fractals

Overlapping Circles Inversion Relations

We begin with a lemma.

Lemma If the open discs Di bounded by the inverting circles Ci are pairwise disjoint, the only relations among the inversions are Ii2 = identity.

Proof Suppose some relation Ii1...Iin = identity holds.

Take a point z0 in the complement of the closed discs corresponding to the Di. Then

z1 = Ii1(z0) lies in Di1,
z2 = Ii2(z1) lies in Di2,
... , and
zn = Iin(zn-1) lies in Din.

The hypothesized relation implies zn = z0, impossible because z0 lies outside all the Di and zn lies in Din.

Now we are ready for the theorem.

Theorem Distinct circles C1 and C2 intersect with tangents making an angle of (m/n)180, 0 < m < n, if and only if the corresponding inversions I1 and I2 satisfy (I1 I2)n = identity.

Proof Suppose C1 and C2 intersect at two points, p and q.

Denote by C the circle with center p and passing through q.

Because C1 and C2 both pass through the center of C, inverting in C transforms C1 and C2 into lines (inversion property (vii)) L1 and L2, intersecting at q.

Inversion in C transforms the inversions in C1 and C2 into the reflections R1 across L1 and R2 across L2.

Because inversion preserves angles, the angle between L1 and L2 at q equals the angle between the tangents of C1 and C2 at q.

It is well-known that the composition of two reflections across lines intersecting at a point q is the rotation, about q, through twice the angle between the lines.

For example, in the situation illustrated above, reflection across L1 is

and reflection across L2 is

where q is the angle between L1 and L2.

Reflection across L1 followed by reflection across L2 reduces to

That is, rotation by 2q.

If the angle between L1 and L2 is (m/n)180, then (R1R2)n is the rotation by n(2m/n)180, that is, the identity.

Using inversion in C to translate this relation back to I1 and I2, we see (I1I2)n = identity.

If C1 and C2 intersect tangentially at a point p, inversion in a circle C centered at this point p transforms C1 and C2 into lines L1 and L2 and inversion in Ci into reflection Ri across Li.

Because the lines are distinct, no relation of the form (R1R2)n = identity holds.

Now suppose (I1I2)n = identity.

Then from the Lemma it follows that D1 and D2 intersect, consequently C1 and C2 intersect in two points, p and q.

(The case C1 = C2 is precluded by the hypothesis that the circles are distinct.)

Inverting in the circle C with center p and passing through q transforms the circles C1 and C2 into the lines L1 and L2, and transforms I1 and I2 into reflections R1 and R2 across L1 and L2.

Denote by q the angle of intersection of L1 and L2 at q.

Then as we saw above, R1R2 is rotation by 2q, and (I1I2)n = identity implies n2q = m360, so q = (m/n)180.

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