Circle Inversion Fractals

Mandelbrot's Algorithm

So the limit set is inside S1, and outside S2, S3, S4, and S5. We can say more.

No limit points can lie in the disc bounded by I5(S1), because I5 of such points would lie outside S1, impossible as we have seen.

Similarly, no limit points can lie inside the discs bounded by I1(S3) and I1(S4).

Note by Property (iv) of inversion, I1 takes the discs bounded by S2 and S5 to themselves.

Also, no limit point can lie in the discs bounded by I2(S4) and I2(S5), in the discs bounded by I3(S2) and I3(S5), or in the discs bounded by I4(S2) and I4(S3).

That is, the limit points lie in the black disc, outside the red discs (bounded by S2, S3, S4, and S5), and outside the green discs (those just mentioned).

Return to Mandelbrot's method.