4. Cellular Automata and Fractal Evolution

Sensitivity to Initial Conditions in Cellular Automata

Sensitivity to initial conditions is part of the definition of chaos, described in our study of one-dimensional dynamics.
This definition can be applied directly to cellular automata.
For a given rule, generate two patterns, the second from changing some small number of initial states of the first.
If the difference between the two patterns grows, on average, with each generation, we say the CA exhibits sensitivity to initial conditions.
For example, consider the rule of our first class III example.
On the left we see the (red) pattern evolving from a random initial distribution of live cells.
On the right is the (blue) pattern of the differences between the red pattern and the one that evolves when a single initial value is changed.
That is, a cell is painted blue if the two patterns differ at that location.
The growing blue pattern shows the effect of this small change appears to grow without bound, and so we say this CA exhibits sensitivity to initial conditions.
For comparison, here is the same experiment, but done with a periodic CA.
Note the blue difference plot grows initially, but eventually reaches bounds beyond which it does not propagate.
The number of generations needed to reach these bounds is about the same as the number of generations before the red plot settles down into its periodic behavior.
That is, about the same as the duration of the initial chaotic transient.

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