Giulio Tiozzo

Hi, I moved to the University of Toronto: new website

My field of research is dynamical systems and ergodic theory. In particular:

For a more detailed description, see my research statement. My CV can be found here.
I got my Ph.D. from Harvard in 2013, under the supervision of C.T. McMullen.
In my thesis, I develop a connection between families of continued fractions and
the combinatorics of the Mandelbrot set, with applications to entropy.

You can have a look at some of my recent preprints:

  • Continuity of core entropy of quadratic polynomials,
    where I discuss the core entropy, a dynamical invariant associated to complex polynomials
    by looking at its action on a certain invariant tree (the Hubbard tree), and prove it is continuous.

  • Random walks on weakly hyperbolic groups,
    (with J. Maher), where we discuss random walks on groups of isometries
    of delta-hyperbolic metric spaces which are not necessarily proper.








    Office hours:
    Thursdays, 4-6 PM, in 417 DL.

    Address: Department of Mathematics, 10 Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven CT 06511
    Office #417 DL
    e-mail: giulio DOT tiozzo AT yale DOT edu

    "Quando il tetro dromedario giunse dietro al tetraedro alzò gli occhi e disse: « Diamine! Son davanti a una piramide! »" (T. S.)