Expected Value

The mean, or average, or expected value of a random process is the sum of the possible outcomes times the probability of the outcome.
For example, tossing two coins the possible outcomes are HH, HT, TH, and TT. If the coins are fair, the probability of each outcome is 1/4. The the expected humber of heads is
E(H) = 2⋅(1/4) + 1⋅(1/4) + 1⋅(1/4) + 0⋅(1/4) = 1.
Another example: tossing three coins the possible outcomes are HHH, HHT, HTH, HTT, THH, THT, TTH, and TTT. If the coins are fair, the probability of each outcome is 1/8. The the expected humber of heads is
E(H) = 3⋅(1/8) + 2⋅(1/8) + 2⋅(1/8) + 1⋅(1/8) + 2⋅(1/8) + 1⋅(1/8) + 1⋅(1/8) + 0⋅(1/8) = 3/2.
So the expected value need not be a value that can occur. The expected value is the average of the outcomes, after many repetitions.
For continuous distributions, such as the normal, the mean is more easily expressed as a moment, which in turn is expressed as an integral.