The Mandelbrot Set and Julia Sets

"Run Away to Infinity" Criterion

Here we show that if some zn is farther than 2 from the origin, then successive iterates will grow without bound. That is, they will run away to ∞.
For a complex number zn = xn + i⋅yn, the absolute value is
|zn| = √(xn2 + yn2),
the distance from zn to the origin.
Recalling the sequence z0, z1, ... is defined by zn+1 = zn2 + c, we show if some zn satisfies |zn| > max(2, |c|), then the sequence zn, zn+1, ... runs away to ∞.
So suppose |zn| > max(2, |c|).
Because |zn| > 2, we can write
|zn| = 2 + ε,
for some ε > 0.
|zn2| = |zn2 + c - c| ≤ |zn2 + c| + |c|
|zn2 + c| ≥ |zn2| - |c| = |zn|2 - |c|
> |zn|2 - |zn| (because |zn| > |c|)
= (|zn| - 1)⋅|zn| = (1 + ε)⋅|zn|
That is, |zn+1| > (1 + ε)⋅|zn|. Iterating, |zn+k| > (1 + ε)k⋅|zn|.
To complete the proof that |zn| > 2 implies the sequence runs away to infinity, observe that if |c| > 2, then
z0 = 0
z1 = c
and z2 = c2 + c = c⋅(c + 1)
so |z2| = |c|⋅|c + 1| > |c| (noting |c + 1| > 1 because |c| > 2).

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