Area-Perimeter Relation: Reexpressed

Because the length of fractal perimeters increases without bound as the scale at which they are measured goes to 0, Mandelbrot's idea (chapter 12 of Fractal Geometry of Nature) is to compare perimeters of similar regions, measured at the same scale.
Here are two similar regions, R1 and R2, with fractal perimeters.
R1 R2
Choose a scale s and let A1(s) and A2(s) denote the areas of R1 and R2 measured by covering the regions with squares of side length s.
As an intermediate stage in the calculation, we measure the length of each perimeter at a scale
ti = q⋅(√Ai(s))
that depends on the area of the region, and on an arbitrary scaling factor q, a small number guaranteeing that the ti are small enough to pick up fine details of the perimeters.
Measured at these scales, the lengths of the perimeters are
P1(t1) = N1⋅t1 and P2(t2) = N2⋅t2.
The important observation is that because R1 and R2 are similar, N1 = N2. Call this number N.
Next, note that if the length of a fractal curve of dimension d is measured at two scales, a and b, then the lengths satisfy
P(a) = P(b)⋅(a/b)1-d
Returning to the original scale s, we see
Pi(s) = Pi(ti)⋅(s/ti)1-d
= N⋅ti⋅(s/ti)1-d
= N⋅s1-dtid
= N⋅s1-dqd⋅Ai(s)d/2
Note the value of each of N, s, q, and d is the same for both regions. Consequently, for two similar regions with perimeters of dimension d, when the areas of the regions and the lengths of the perimeters are measured at the same scale s, we have
P1(s)/P2(s) = (A1(s)/A2(s))d/2
This is the area-perimeter relation for regions having fractal boundaries.

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