4. Cellular Automata and Fractal Evolution

The Game of Life

John Conway's Game of Life is the best-known cellular automaton. Here we sample some of the remarkable behaviors of this CA.
What is life?
Some simple patterns of life
The glider gun produces a pattern that grows without bound.
Properly timed collisions of gliders can build a glider gun.
Building a Life computer: data streams
Building a Life computer: not
Building a Life computer: and
Building a Life computer: or
Building a Life computer: memory
Building on the mechanics of a Life computer, Conway showed there are self-replicating life patterns along the lines described by von Neumann. We will not show such a pattern in detail because of its complexity and size. Rough estimates suggest the simplest of these patterns would occupy a region of about ten trillion pixels. For pixels of one square mm, the pattern would occupy a square with side length over 3 km.
Finally, Conway speculated on Life and evolution

Return to Examples of Cellular Automaton Patterns.